CO Archive: GOOP Products

Got $755 to drop on a pot? Then have we got a show for you.


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Beats by Dre
Platine Medium Saucepan, 18cm
Beer taste on a champagne budget
Fur Oil
Dribble Glass for the Thirsty
Nuage Ceramic Stoneware Lamp
For cool Apple Trees
Joint Case
Gilding Your Georgia O'Keeffe Lily
Nouveau Sheesh!
Rose Quartz Crystal Straw
Pepper's Plots…for World Domination
Darkfin Power Gloves
Psychic Vampire Repellent
"You Should Be Mine" by Jeffrey Osborne "Can you woo, woo, woo?"
Rose Quartz Egg

Categorical Oracle is a comedy podcast that pits three brave librarians against the rampant disorder of the modern world. Every other week your hosts apply the combined might of their organizational skills to a new topic in their never-ending quest to make things make sense.


Banner image: “Gwyneth Paltrow at the Hollywood Walk of Fame ceremony - 20101213.jpg” courtesy of Richard Yaussi. CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons. color desaturated and brightness and contrast reduced from original, Outrageous Mechanisms branded overlay placed over altered image.