ep 8: Cults

On this weeks episode, the Oracles have turned their eyes on some of America's most notorious cults and encourage all CO listeners to have a happy, healthy, and cult-free new year.


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- Branch Davidians
Damn the (tor)pedoes!
- Family International AKA Chidren of God
- Fundamentalist Latter Day Saints
Gypsies, Tramps and Debris
- The Brethren
Recleanse of the Nerds
- Scientology
- Heaven's Gate
- Westboro Baptist Church
Snake in the Mass: The Big Hisstake
- Church of God with Signs Following
The 8th Sense
- The Peoples Temple of the Disciples of Christ
With friends like these…
- Manson Family

Categorical Oracle is a comedy podcast that pits three brave librarians against the rampant disorder of the modern world. Every other week your hosts apply the combined might of their organizational skills to a new topic in their never-ending quest to make things make sense.